Monday, December 25, 2006

A Christmas Poem

Once a year it arrives at our doorstep
The twenty fifth day of the twelve month
The day the Lord Jesus was born
'Christmas!' the Angels horn

Family gathering, enormous feasts
Churching, love
These are features that are a must during this season
By jolly, should we be gleesome

Hark the Harold Angels sing
Joy to the world
O come o ye faithful
Silent Night
Not only do the lyrics hold potful meanings
But also give us that faith we all lack inside

Think back on this year
What have we achieved
What have we lost
What have we changed

'Cos 2006 has passed by and it will never come back
Rub your nose and twitch your neck
Stretch your arms and give her a peck
Hopefully you were not a wreck
As we always want to remember time on a good note
Flashback of only the best moments, I vote
On paper, she wrote
Goodnight young fella
Sleep tight
Don't let the bed bugs bite

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